Dental Coverage
Your dental health is an important part of complete wellness. We are pleased to present your dental benefit through Principal, which is designed to give you and your covered family members the care, value and service to help maintain healthy teeth and overall health.

Watch this video to learn more about Dental Coverage
Dental Highlights
Dental Plan
Principal PPO
Calendar Year Deductible (Individual / Family)
$50 / $150
Annual Maximum per Person
Note: If you meet your annual maximum for the year, preventive services are no longer covered at 100% and you will need to pay out-of-pocket or by using your HSA.
Preventive Dental Services1,2
Covered 100%
Basic Dental Services1,2
Covered 80%
Major Dental Services1,2
Covered 50%
Covered 50%, separate lifetime max of $1,000 per child
Maximum Rollover / Threshold3
$250 / $500
1. Coverage is for reasonable and customary charges. In no event will the covered charge be greater than the 90th percentile of the prevailing fee data for a particular service in the geographic area. 2. Please review your certificate of coverage for a complete list of services covered by the plan.
3. With Maximum Rollover, you may rollover a portion of your unused annual dental maximum into your personal Maximum Rollover Account (MRA). The MRA can be used in future years if you reach the plan's annual maximum. For additional details on your dental max rollover benefit, please see your certificate of coverage.
Contact the provider of these benefits by calling this phone number or visiting this website: Principal Customer Service - (800) 247-4695,
Preventive Dental Services
- Cleaning and oral exam
- Fluoride treatment
- Sealants
- X-rays
Basic Dental Services
- Filling
- Tooth removal
Major Dental Services
- Bridges and dentures
- Implants
- Anesthesia
- Appliances, including braces and retainers
- Available for children only
Dental Contributions
(Based on 24 pay periods per year)
Employee Only
Employee + Spouse
Employee + Children
Employee + Family
Care Line is an NFP-sponsored program that is staffed by dedicated professionals to help you understand the benefit options made available to you. Whether you have concerns about a recent claim or bill, finding an in-network doctor or just some guidance on which medical plan is right for you and your family, the Care Line can help educate and advocate. The Care Line is available to all employees and children over 18 who are enrolled on the benefit plan.
Contact the Care Line at (844) 717-8777, or you can submit your questions via email at
The Care Line is open Monday - Friday from 8:00am - 5:00pm (EST).