Welcome to your annual benefits package!
This Digital Benefits Guide contains detailed summaries of the benefits offered to you. We encourage you to take the time to educate yourself about your options and choose the best coverage for you and your family. Whether you are a newly hired employee or a current employee enrolling during Open Enrollment, elections you make at this time will remain in effect until the next Open Enrollment period, unless you have a qualifying event that allows a plan change.
NOVEMBER 19 - 27
This Digital Benefits Guide contains detailed summaries of the benefits offered to you. We encourage you to take the time to educate yourself about your options and choose the best coverage for you and your family.
Who is eligible?
- You and your eligible family members are eligible to participate in our benefits program if you are a regular full-time employee working 30 hours or more per week. Coverage begins on the first of the month and following 30 days.
- Dependent coverage is available for your spouse and your children.
- Your children under the age of 26 are eligible to enroll.
How do I make changes?
You will need to review this Digital Benefits Guide to understand the coverage currently available to you.
- You will need to submit your elections via Employee Navigator, using your personal login information.
- If you are a newly hired employee, you must enroll or waive coverage within 30 days from your hire date.
- Employees enrolling due to a qualifying event must enroll or waive coverage within 30 days from the date of the qualifying event. You must notify Human Resources and provide proper documentation within 30 days of the QLE in order to obtain coverage. Otherwise, changes cannot be made until the next Open Enrollment Period.
When can I enroll?
Employees can make enrollment changes at certain times throughout the year:
- During the designated annual Open Enrollment period for benefits effective the following plan year. If you do not enroll in coverage during this time, you will not be able to enroll until the next Open Enrollment period unless you have a Qualifying Event.
- As a New Hire within 30 days of date of hire.
- Upon having a Qualifying Life Event within 30 days of date of event (eligible QLEs include marriage, divorce, birth of a child, etc.). Log in to Employee Navigator right away if you have a Qualifying Life Event and need to make a change to your elections.
Watch this video to learn more about Qualifying Life Events
This Digital Benefits Guide only summarizes your benefit plans. If there is a discrepancy between the information in this document and the carrier plan document, the carrier plan documents will always govern.
Care Line is an NFP-sponsored program that is staffed by dedicated professionals to help you understand the benefit options made available to you. The Care Line is available during Open Enrollment to all employees and children over 18 who are enrolled on the benefit plan.
Contact the Care Line at (844) 717-8777, or you can submit your questions at callthecareline.com.
The Care Line is open Monday - Friday from 8:00 am - 7:00 pm (EST).